
Join us beginning February 16th as Pastor Joe begins preaching a Relationship series called G.A.P. (GOD AS PROMISED).

This series is for people who are dating, want to be dating, high school, college, singles and married, divorced and single again.

This series is powerful for anyone serious about a relationship. When you’ve been married for a while, you learn one thing: there are gaps in what you expect- and what you experience

And when your husband, wife, or friend doesn’t fill a gap, YOU FEEL SOME KIND OF WAY. We feel frustration, disappointed, and unappreciated.

But check this: WHEN THERE IS A GAP IN WHAT YOU EXPECTED AND WHAT YOU EXPERIENCE- You choose what to put in that gap.

God is a promise. He is exactly who he says he is. He does exactly what he said he would do. When you really come to know God, you will know him “as promised.” You receive Him, “as is.”

Following Jesus makes you “better” at life. Including your relationships

We were created to be in relationship. When you bring Jesus into your relationship ( follow his instructions).